Jade stones

Jade Stone Meaning: Exploit It’s Phenomenal Healing Properties For Your Benefit

When it comes to the world of alternative healing, there are a number of different stones and crystals that are said to have amazing properties. Out of all of these, the jade stone is perhaps one of the most well-known and highly respected.

But what exactly is jade, and why is it so revered? And more importantly, what can it do for your health?

The jade stone meaning dates back to ancient times when it was believed to have mystical properties. The Chinese considered jade to be the most precious of all stones, and it is the imperial gemstone.

Today, many people still believe that jade has powerful healing properties.

What is The Meaning of Jade?

jade, green, bear

Jade is a type of metamorphic rock that is typically green in color, it is made up of interlocking crystals of different minerals, including nephrite and jadeite, and the word jade comes from the Spanish term “piedra de ijada,” which means “stone of the loins.”

This is about the belief that jade could cure kidney stones and other issues in that area of the body. Jade has been used in alternative healing for centuries, and is said to have a range of amazing properties. These include:

  • Boosting energy and vitality
  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Improving sleep quality
  • Easing menstrual cramps
  • Protecting against negative energy
  • Promoting calmness and peace.

In addition, jade is said to be a powerful amplifier of energy, meaning that it can help to amplify the effects of other crystals and stones when used in conjunction with them. This makes it an ideal stone for beginners in crystal healing.

Why is Jade So Revered?

The Jade stone is revered in the world of alternative healing for several reasons. Firstly, it is said to have a range of amazing properties that can benefit our health and well-being in a variety of ways.

These include reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep quality, easing menstrual cramps, and protecting against negative energy, among others.

In addition, jade is said to be a powerful amplifier of energy, meaning that it can help to amplify the effects of other crystals and stones when used in conjunction with them.

This makes it an ideal stone for beginners in crystal healing.

Secondly, jade is said to be one of the most powerful stones for spiritual growth and development. It is thought to help us to connect with our intuition and inner guidance, as well as with the divine realm.

This makes it an important stone for beginners in crystal healing, as it can help to open up the pathways to personal growth and transformation.

How Do You Use Jade in Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is a Chinese practice that helps to organize and harmonize your surroundings.

It is based on the belief that our environment has a direct impact on our energy, and therefore our health and well-being.

Jade stone is said to be helpful in feng shui because it can help to create a sense of harmony and balance in your home or office. It is also said to help attract good luck and abundance.

You can place it in key areas of your home or office, wear it as jewellery, or carry it with you in your purse or pocket.

Some Examples of how you can use jade in feng shui include:

  • placing it in the east sector of your home or office to bring health and good fortune
  • placing it in the southwest sector of your home or office to bring love and relationships
  • placing it in the northwest sector of your home or office to bring wisdom and spiritual growth
  • carrying it with you or placing it in your purse or wallet to attract money and abundance.

Jade is a versatile stone that can be used in several ways to improve your health, wealth, and relationships. If you are looking for a stone that can help you to achieve personal growth and transformation, then jade is an excellent choice.

What Can Jade do For Your Health?

Jade is a powerful stone for spiritual beginners in crystal healing because it is said to be able to cleanse and purify the body, mind, and spirit. It is also thought to be a stone of abundance, which can be helpful for those who are just starting on their spiritual journey.

Jade is said to help with all sorts of issues, such as stress, anxiety, fear, and depression. It can also help to boost the immune system and improve overall health.

In feng shui, jade is considered to be a very lucky stone. It is often used to attract good luck, abundance, and prosperity. Jade can also be used to protect your home from negative energy.

If you are looking for a stone that can help you on your spiritual journey, jade is a great choice. It is a versatile stone that can be used in many different ways.

Whether you are looking for a stone to help with your health, or you are looking for a lucky charm to attract good luck, jade can be a great choice.

How To Use Jade In Crystal Healing

One of the reasons why jade is so popular in crystal healing is that it is said to be a powerful detoxifier. It helps to eliminate toxins from the body, and it can also help to improve the function of the kidneys, liver, and spleen.

Additionally, a jade crystal is said to be beneficial for regulating blood pressure and heart rate, as well as for improving overall circulation.

How do I activate Jade Crystals?

First, remove the jade crystal from its setting. Although the stone doesn’t hold negative energy, cleansing it may help you impart its positive energy in the right way.

Rinse the jade stone immediately with warm water. A fresh spring, river or spring is the ideal choice; however, kitchen water is as useful as the others.

Wet the stone with a cotton cloth and leave it on the windowsill to bathe under the moonlight for overnight time.

Next, hold the stone in your left hand and visualize your positive intention for the crystal. For example, you may want to visualize yourself surrounded by good luck or you may want to visualize the jade crystal helping you to achieve your goals.

Spend a few minutes each day to visualize your intention for the crystal.

The next day, your jade crystal will be activated and ready to work its magic in your life. Carry it with you or keep it in a special place where you will see it often.

Remember to cleanse your crystal regularly (weekly or monthly) to keep its energy strong.

The different colors of Jade have different meanings and properties.

We have learned about Green Jade and most recognise their famous shades of green but what about the other colors of Jade?

Here is a quick guide to the different colors and properties of Jade stone and their meanings:

Pink Jade

A softer type of Jade is thought to be helpful in attracting love and relationships. It is also said to bring emotional healing and support.

Black Jade

A more rare type of Jade that is thought to be very powerful. It is said to help remove negative energy from the body, mind, and spirit. Black Jade is also thought to help attract money and abundance.

White Jade

A very pure and positive type of Jade. It is said to help bring peace, calm, and serenity. White Jade is also thought to help attract love and positive relationships.

No matter what color of jade you choose, it is important to remember that the stone should always be used in combination with other stones to maximize its healing effects.

Powerful pairings for Jade

Jade is even more powerful when used in combination with other stones. Some of the most popular combos include:

  • Jade and amethyst for serenity and calm
  • Jade and rose quartz for love and relationships
  • Jade and citrine for good luck
  • Amethyst balances and opens the heart, while Jade brings wisdom and compassion to the relationship.
  • Amber helps to manifest desires, while Jade provides direction and focus.
  • Aventurine is a stone of luck and abundance, while Jade attracts prosperity.
  • Black tourmaline is a protective stone that repels negative energy, while jade deflects harmful influences.
  • Citrine activates personal power and joy, while Jade encourages growth and change.
  • Clear quartz amplifies the properties of other crystals, while Jade strengthens all crystal connections.

The Chakras And Jade

The body’s chakras are energy centers that impact different areas of our health and well-being. When the chakras are in balance, we experience good health, vitality, and happiness.

When they are out of balance, we may experience physical or emotional issues.

Jade is said to be beneficial for all of the body’s chakras. It is an especially good stone for the heart chakra, which is responsible for our emotional well-being.

Jade can help to open up the heart chakra and promote emotional healing through feelings of love, compassion, and forgiveness.

Jade can also be helpful for the root chakra, which is responsible for our sense of grounding and security. It can help to anchor us in the present moment and provide a sense of stability and safety.

When using a jade crystal in healing, it is important to consider the individual needs of the person you are working with. There is no one “right” combination of stones that will work for everyone.

However, jade is a versatile stone that can be used with most other stones to great effect.

What Chakra is Jade good for?

As you probably know, jade comes in many different colors. What you might not know is that each color of jade has different properties and uses.

For example, green jade is excellent for supporting the 4th chakra, also known as the Heart Chakra.

This chakra is associated with qualities like compassion, empathy, forgiveness, and love. It’s also seen as a bridge between the lower three chakras (associated with physical activities and the material realm) and the upper three chakras (related to wisdom and the spiritual realm).

Anahata chakras can be visualized in green lotus flowers with 12 florets.

So wearing or keeping jade as a necklace or pendant will allow the stone to directly interact with your energy field and help to clear and balance your chakras.

Give it a try and see how you feel!

Jade and the Zodiac birthstone

Zodiac birthstones are gemstones that are associated with the twelve signs of the zodiac. Each sign has its unique birthstone, which is said to carry special properties that can benefit the person who wears it.

For example, those who are born under the sign of Cancer are said to be strengthened by moonstone, while those who are born under the sign of Aries are said to be energized by quartz.

Each gemstone is said to correspond with certain qualities that are characteristic of that particular sign.

For instance, aquamarine is thought to promote creativity and serenity, while ruby is believed to encourage passion and vitality. Wearing your zodiac birthstone is a great way to connect with your astrological energy and tap into its positive qualities.

Jade is known to be the zodiac birthstone for several different star signs. These include Taurus, Gemini, Libra and Aries.

Jade is admired by many for its cooling touches and its ability to spread positivity and happiness.

Taureans (Taurus)

may often find themselves questioning their own thoughts and self-doubt. However, Jade encourages you to stay true to yourself and follow your heart.


Jade can be a useful amulet that helps align them to their life path. Jade is a beautiful stone that is rich in positivity and always in love with the heart.


Jade brings emotional balance and a sense of calm during times of stress or pressure. It is the perfect stone to have around when you need to make an important decision.


And finally, for those with an Aries zodiac sign, Jade is said to bring good luck and fortune. So if you’re feeling down on your luck, carrying around a piece of Jade may be just what you need to turn things around!

It is the perfect star sign for those who are looking for a cooling touch in their lives.

Healing Properties of Jade: Applying It For Your Own Health Needs

How to use Jade to improve your sleep

If you’re looking for a natural way to improve your sleep, jade may be a good option for you. Here’s how to use jade to get the most restful sleep possible:

First, make sure your jade stone is clean and free of any impurities. You can clean it with soap and water or use a jewellery cleaning solution. Once your stone is clean, find a comfortable position in bed and hold the jade close to your heart. Breathe deeply and slowly, allowing yourself to relax into the moment.

As you continue to breathe deeply, visualize the jade emitting a calming green light. This light will fill your entire body, relaxing every muscle and releasing all tension. Allow yourself to drift off to sleep, knowing that the jade is protecting you and promoting deep restful sleep.

How to use Jade to ease stress and anxiety

Jade is a beautiful stone that can be used to ease stress and anxiety. Here are a few ways you can use Jade to improve your health:

Step 1

Place a Jade crystal in your palm and rub it in a circular motion. This will help to relax your muscles and reduce tension.

Step 2

Hold a Jade crystal in each hand and focus on your breath. Breathe deeply and slowly, and allow the Jade to calm and ground you.

Step 3

Place a Jade crystal or small piece of Jade on your heart, and imagine all of your stress and anxiety melting away. Visualize yourself surrounded by a green light, feeling calm and peaceful.

Jade is a powerful tool that can be used to improve your mental and physical health.

Incorporate Jade into your daily life, and watch as your stress and anxiety melt away!

How to use Jade for better circulation

Jade is an excellent stone for improving circulation. If you have poor circulation or are looking for a way to improve your overall health, try the following:

Step 1

Place a piece of Jade on your heart, and visualize the stone warming your blood and helping it to flow more easily throughout your body.

Step 2

Hold a Jade crystal or a piece of Jade in each hand, and focus on deep breathing. As you breathe, visualize the Jade infusing your blood with oxygen and helping it to circulate more efficiently.

Step 3

Place a piece of Jade on your stomach, and imagine the stone soothing any inflammation or digestive issues you may be experiencing.

Step 4

Massage a piece of Jade into your skin, and visualize the stone stimulating circulation and helping to eliminate toxins from your body.

Jade is a powerful stone that can be used to improve circulation and overall health. Incorporate Jade into your daily life, and watch as your health improves!

How to use Jade for better digestion

Jade has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to improve digestion and reduce bloating. For best results, drink Jade tea before meals or take Jade supplements with food.

Jade is thought to improve digestion by stimulating the production of stomach acids and bile. This helps the body to break down food more efficiently and prevents indigestion. In addition, Jade is a natural diuretic, so it helps to relieve water retention and bloating.

By improving digestion and reducing bloating, Jade can help you to feel lighter and more comfortable after meals. Give it a try the next time you’re feeling bloated or sluggish after eating.

You may just find that Jade is the key to better digestion!

Is Jade expensive?

No, Jade is not expensive. It is quite affordable, especially when compared to other gemstones.

You can find Jade for sale online or at your local gemstone store. Prices will vary depending on the quality and size of the stone, but you should be able to find a piece of Jade that fits your budget.

Key Takeaway

When using Jade in Crystal Healing, it is important to note that it is a powerful protector against negative energy. Additionally, Jade is beneficial for the kidneys, liver, spleen, and heart. It can also help to regulate blood pressure and circulation.

Final Thoughts

Jade is known for its detoxifying and healing properties, and it is said to be beneficial for the kidneys, liver, spleen, heart, and circulatory system. Additionally, jade is a powerful protector against negative energy. If you are interested in using jade for your own health needs, there are many options available to you.

You can purchase jade jewellery or other items that have been specifically designed for crystal healing. You can also purchase loose jade stones and place them around your home in areas where you feel they would be most beneficial.

Another option is to create a jade elixir, which is a concentrated form of jade that can be taken internally. With a little research, you should be able to find everything you need to get started using jade for your own health needs.

If you are interested in learning more about crystals and chakras, sign up for our free email course! In this course, you will learn all about the different crystals and how they can be used to help balance your chakras.

You will also learn about other holistic healing techniques that can help improve your overall health and well-being.


What is the spiritual meaning of green Jade?

The spiritual meaning of green Jade is that it is a stone of luck, abundance and prosperity. It is also thought to bring good health and long life. Jade is also said to be a stone of wisdom and understanding and is believed to help with decision-making.

Is Jade stone good luck?

Yes, the jade stone is considered to be good luck. It is said to bring prosperity, abundance and good health. Additionally, it is a stone of wisdom and understanding which can help with decision-making.

What are the healing properties of Jade?

Jade is a stone with a wide variety of healing properties. It is said to be beneficial for both physical and spiritual healing. Some of the healing properties that Jade is thought to possess are: prosperity, abundance, good health, long life, wisdom and understanding, decision making, and more.

What does it mean to give Jade to someone?

When you give Jade to someone, it is a sign of good luck and prosperity. It is also a symbol of wisdom and understanding. Additionally, it is thought to bring good health and long life. Giving Jade to someone is a way of showing them that you care about their well-being and want them to have all the best things in life.